Teens came together for a free, affirming DC Halloween event on Friday, October 27.

The event was called Monster Mingle DC. It was a free Halloween event for queer and trans youth ages 13 to 25 and was hosted by Queer Youth Assemble. It took place at Emery Heights Community Center in Washington, DC. 

At Monster Mingle DC, there were many activities people could take part in, such as a sensory-friendly area where people could make cards for trans kids and write a one-word story. There were also crafts, a candy/snack table near a drink-holding witch cauldron, two photo booth areas, and a music area. Outdoor games like ring toss and “knock” the ghosts were available to play on the balcony. There was plenty of room to socialize and mingle.

Towards the end, there was a costume contest with awards such as best costume, most original costume, scariest costume, and best group costume. Teens gathered around for the costume contest, ballots were counted, and winners were announced.

After having a great time at Monster Mingle, several teenagers said they enjoyed it and would go again the following year.

One teen said, “I thought it was really fun because I got a chance to meet new friends and have some candy. I would attend Monster Mingle again because it was so fun.”

Another participant remarked, “I thought it was really fun! I love meeting new people. I would attend again because, overall, I thought it was a fun and exciting experience.”

Another said, “I had a great time; everyone was just super nice, and it was really well put together. Of course, I would attend again. I just wish it was longer.”

Bennett, a Monster Mingle DC volunteer, said, “I had fun at Monster Mingle, I thought it was safe, and I enjoyed seeing everyone’s costumes. I will be attending again.”

Several teens expressed that they thought it was an affirming space where they could be themselves.

“It was an affirming space because I felt as though there were a lot of people who had similar experiences and interests as me” said one teen.

“It was very welcoming,” said another teen.

Overall, Monster Mingle DC is definitely an event to go to next year if you enjoy Halloween and also want to meet new people who have similar experiences or if you’re longing for an affirming space.  

  • Edie (she/her) is a high schooler who hopes to join the fight for human rights and support those who are queer and disabled, and she likes helping others in her community. She also loves supporting artists as well as doing art herself. She runs her own organization called We Are Artistic.